
Booleans in Python(Comparison operators)

For the following quiz questions, we will get a preview of comparison operators. In the table below, a=3 and b=4. Operator Description Example == If the values of two operands are equal, then the condition becomes true. (a == b) is not true. != If values of two operands are not equal, then condition becomes … Continue reading Booleans in Python(Comparison operators)



In Python tuples are very similar to lists, however, unlike lists they are immutable meaning they can not be changed. You would use tuples to present things that shouldn't be changed, such as days of the week, or dates on a calendar. You'll have an intuition of how to use tuples based on what you've … Continue reading Tuples


Comparison Operators in PYTHON

These operators will allow us to compare variables and output a Boolean value (True or False). If you have any sort of background in Math, these operators should be very straight forward. Table of Comparison Operators: Operator Description Example == If the values of two operands are equal, then the condition becomes true. (a == … Continue reading Comparison Operators in PYTHON


For this analysis, i'll be using a Reddit API wrapper, called "praw", to loop through the /r/politics subreddit headlines. In [1]: from IPython import display import math from pprint import pprint import pandas as pd import numpy as np import nltk import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns sns.set(style='darkgrid', context='talk', palette='Dark2') In [2]: """ For this … Continue reading Sentiment-analysis-Raddit-api


import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs import re url = "https://matlabhelpers.com/" page = requests.get(url) soup = bs(page.content , 'html.parser') head = soup.find('head') # re.findall(r'[^<]+', str(head)) #SSL secure ssl = soup.find(attrs={"rel": re.compile(r'canonical', re.I)}) # ssl['href'] if re.search('(https:)', ssl['href']): print('SSL Secure!!!') else: print('Bad news your website is not SSL secure')